Wednesday, November 23, 2016


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                                      WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND

      Wellington is the capital city of NEW ZEALAND, sits near the North Island’s southernmost point on the Cook Strait. A compact City, Small ,Respectable, humble, beautiful, it encompasses a waterfront promenade ,sandy beaches, a working harbor and colorful timber house a surrounding hills. From Lambton Quay, the iconic red Wellington Cable Car heads to the Botanic Gardens, strong winds through the Cook Strait give the nick name “ WINDY WELLINGTON”.  I have sweet finance when I was stay in Wellington, I can’t forget what I had done, Wellington Give many aspiration, knowledge, experience. I learn from them how to respect the peoples, and how to make good society with the others. Wellington is my second home, when I was live in there, I just feel like my home town, because all the peoples had I met very Good. They treat me like their family, so I learn from them. Wellington is not just give me dollars, but Wellington gave more than I know. it is not just learn how to speak English, but I learn how to respect the peoples, Wellington is Small City but big for me, because why…..? there are many different part of Country in the World. It’s make me more interesting, because they had many different culture and language. So guys these is just a little experience from, whatever, it had my written wrong please forgive me, I’ll see you again with another story, thank you…!

Monday, November 14, 2016


Everyboday have felt fail in their life,we can not avoid failure but we can face failure with our hopes. In this world nobody perfect. Don’t give up when you fall down, don’t ever give up when you failed, don’t give up when your bisnis insolvent, don’t give up if someone reject your love. Friends… this life we need struggle to reach our dream. And sometimes we don’t want experience failure in our life, we just want have good life and never failure. Dear……friends…….if we never failed in our life, just like your life empty, blank,or nothing. But if you ever failed in your life, it means your life is sweet. With failed we will stand strong and ready face the future without complain. So please….all my friend around the world, don’t ever feel hopeless if you want live in this world longer. You have future, you have hopes…., and you have dream. You can take all that if you be patient and continue to learn from failed. If you ever failed that means you will be success people. Failed and success.
Success is who patient with their dream and work hard to reach it. Success is not only doing nothing,but success needs struggle and continue and never give up.


 Dear reader……today I’m ganna tell you about  “FEELING”. What’s feeling?
Feeling is you feel something and will make you are diffirent  way, some time you feel happy, unhappy, sad, confused, guilty, angry, confident, etc. But they will make you became strong person in the world. Without conscious someone has disturb our life, for example : bad mannered people, annoy, people speak too  quckly, nasty comment, waiting for long time, people asks money without work(beggar)etc. All these kind just example little happen around you, you can face these problem with smile, always smile. If you want be strong people,don’t afraid to face these problem. Feeling can’t far from us, because feeling is merges in our life.  But without feeling this life is nothing, I take example from myself, sometimes I feel calm, I feel calm when I talk to my friend, but sometimes I feel sad who people make noise when I still speak. And I’m really unhappy with someone who made nasty comment. And I’m feeling sad when I have had appointment with someone but they  didn’t realize if they have had promise. So please friend….don’t you be afraid of kind situation, just take it easy. Thank you for your kind.

Monday, November 7, 2016


Sebagai ciptaan TUHAN yang sempurna,kita jarang mengetahui dari mana kita berasal dan di ciptakan oleh siapa,tetapi kita selalu mintak lebih yang di mana seseorang tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaanmu.Dan kita selalu berkata di dalam hati "ini tidak adil",kenapa engkau tidak bisa                                                   menjawab pertanyaanku,kenapa.....kenapa....?kita merasa tidak puas dengan apa yang kita rasakan dan nikmati.Kita mintak serba instant,semua serba instant.....!Ada pertanyaan menyelip "apakah kita di ciptakan secara instant?Kita disini hanya menginjak tanah ciptaannya,kita sebentar tinggal di tanah yang indah dan damai ini,kita disini hanya meminjam bukan memiliki,kita harus menjaga dan merawat tanah miliknya,ini semua akan kita kembalikan,kita sudah di beri batas waktu,kita akan kembali dengan beda waktu,terserah yang mempunya tanah,kapan mau kita kembalikan miliknya.Karena kita diberi kebebasan tidak perlu membayar,kita bisa membayar dengan menjaga dan merawatnya.Guysssss......kita tidak perlu memasang tarip bila kita di mintak,kita tidak perlu tertunduk bila kita tidak mampu.Pemilik tanah hanya memintak kesabaran kita dalam merawat dan menjaga tanah ini.Ingat guys.......kita menginjak tanah hanya sebentar,kita hanya menunggu panggilan dari sang pemilik tanah,kapan kita di mintak untuk mengembalikan...?Kita di beri wewenang untuk menjaganya bukan untuk memilikinya.Tanah ini begitu indah dan nikmat untuk di pijak,apakah kalian mampu untuk membawa kepercaannya bila sang pemilik tanah menanyakan perjanjian yang sudah di buat.Kadang kita di buat lupa dengan ketidak pastian yang sering di buat kita sendiri,kadang kita merasa kesal dengan tuan tanah karena kurang adil dalam perjanjian.Tetapi kita juga lupa tuan tanah memberi tanah ini untuk kita pinjam tanpa memintak balas,tetapi tuan tanah memintak kejujuran kita selama kita menginjak tanah ini.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


We  never  know  when  love  came  and  leave,but  we can understand when love gave  signal.
Some time  we  can not realize,because  love  gave us energy to became stronger wolk on in our live.
We can not  find  what is meaning love,we  can find from ourselves,we can feel it,we can taste it.

Do not ever blame love when love gave you test in your live,when you feel happy,laugh,enjoy,and even love gave you feel sad,mad,jealous,angry.but you will be forceful to face the world.Now let’s we share love to anyone with peace.don’t ever hurt love,because love never make hurt to anyone,love just gave peace,tranquility and composure.Now let’s live with peace,show love to the world,live freedom.Love………NEVER  DIE…!