Friday, November 3, 2017

Tolerance in Diversity for a world Harmony

What does tolerance mean, in the modern world? Well, my opinion is tolerance means different but same,” God created human being in this world is not the same, but God has given brain to human being for thinking. Everyone in this world has different background and wish, but they still have the same desire, accepting different between one and another due to cultural diversity and customs, for togetherness and happiness. According to Nina, Jianu (2012), tolerance is accepting that someone is different from you, and because everyone is unique in this world. It means accepting that everyone on this planet is different. If a neighbor does not have the same hobbies as you, the same tastes in food or in clothing, the same skin color, the same nationality, the same religion, the same language, the same political orientation, if he is from all 
these   points of view, different from you, then you have to be tolerant with him.
From my best opinion, Tolerance means respecting, appreciating, putting stock in,accepting something different becomes united, so tolerance is able freedom to anyone to do good thing.  Tolerance made human being feel comfort, tranquility, in the community. Learn about tolerance, give our knowledge about tolerance to everyone, starting from ourselves and our family. According to Nina, Jianu (2012), tolerance is accepting and appreciating the rich diversity of our world’s cultures. Human beings are naturally diverse in many ways – tolerance means accepting every reasonable way of being human. When did the word tolerance made its way into human society? In medieval times, such thing did not exist.

 In My opinion tolerance and harmony need balance, because we  have a lot of difference in choosing something that is considered true, Without conscious carried away emotion cannot control ourselves to force to the others. Without our awareness or loyalty, we cannot live with society. According to Atif, Ahmed (2010), without tolerance and harmony the lasting peace of societies cannot be maintained, and loyalty for each other cannot be established. Loyalty is born from feelings of love and affection. At a personal level the feelings of love strengthens the feelings of loyalty. When a citizen loves his country, he exhibits loyalty and devotion and makes sacrifices for the sake of the nation. If the element of love do not exist, then the spirit of sacrifice cannot be formed. Unless a person loves the others he can never have good feelings in his heart towards anyone else, and he cannot faithfully fulfill the rights of the people.
I  Propose an Islamic human right approach, Indonesia is a big country with millions of Muslims, besides Muslims, there are some different religions, but they can live side by side regardless of their religious differences, they can help each other and care for each other. Indonesia is very famous for its hospitality and helping others. So far Indonesian people already felt peaceful and comfortable with a variety of differences. According to Barzilia, Gad (2007) Religious toleration means people allow other people to think or practice other religions and beliefs. In a country with different official religions, toleration means that the government guarantee existence and its practice of each religion with them its area.
Why tolerance is very important? My best answer is: because tolerance can open the doors of opportunities and increase the chance for success. A person can find success when someone interacts with the others, without tolerance people cannot live, because people need other people despite the differences in skin, religion, wealth and position, country, language, there are all same. According to Dr. Borbar, Michele (05,Oct,2013) people who lacks self-esteem will treat others badly because they are not confident about themselves. Learning to respect others begins with a respect of one’s self, and that is one of the most essential keys to teaching tolerance to young people. Sometimes, simply being educated about the customs, holidays, and beliefs of other people is enough to foster tolerance at home. Of course the best way to teach people tolerance is not through out lectures but through our example. Hatred and intolerance can be learned, but so too can sensitivity, understanding, empathy, and tolerance. 

From this program also teaches us chat, this event ASEAN YOUTH interfaith CAMP (AYIC), we can open our religious awareness to others, Convince people and we cannot impose our beliefs to the others. From this program The world can see that various religions, cultures, languages and beliefs can unite. Tolerance among human beings is needed in everyday life regardless of the difference.

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