Thursday, January 5, 2017

Travel with Study

Today, 05-01-2017, at 07.00 a clock in the morning, my friends and I went to Museum in Trowulan, Mojokerto. Faculty of English education has planed since two weeks ago, with our lecture Mr. Nurdin, he gave idea for us to study out side class room, he gave us free choose for finding a place. Then we discussion about a place, we have two places to choose, the first place: Museum, and second: sculpture of Budha’s sleep. But we have chosen Museum. We went to Museum in Trowulan by Unipdu’s bus and with 25 students. I’m feel happy, because this agenda the first time for me go out with my friends, we just taken 30menute to Museum.
When, we arrived at Museum, the Museum didn’t open yet. So we changed our plane, we discussion and open our agenda, and Mr. Nurdin gave instruction describe anything in side the Museum and wrote, or took photo and retell with our own language. They were two groups, then we continued our agenda. When I went to in side the Museum, there’s many thing, I amazed when I saw many relics from Mojopahit’s Empire, while, I took 4-5 picture of sculpture. These pictures I will make  Story. Mojopahit’s Empire was big Empire in ASEAN.
They are many relics and temples. When Mojopahit hold the power, all subjugated territory states and countries, they are afraid of Mojopahit’s Empire. And for communication, Mojopahit use ancient Java language.
Then livelihoods small society, they are two kinds of livelihoods, fisrt: religious activities: includes, prayer, build, take care of  environment, sacred buildings. Second: general activities includes: agriculture, farm, craft, trade, cruise, the arts, and mutual or helps the others. The collapse of the Majapahit Kingdom The collapse of the Majapahit Kingdom as a result of civil war between Wirabhumi against Wikramawardhana in years 1405-1406 M. In addition, the change of the king who became a debate in the 1450s and the massive uprising in tahun1468 M by a nobleman. Majapahit kingdom suffered a setback in the late 14th century and early 15th century.
     The name of the king of Mojopahit
           1.      Kertajasa Jawardhana atau Raden Wijaya (1293 – 1309)
           2.      Raja Jayanegara (1309-1328)
                                     3.      Tribuwana Tunggadewi (1328 – 1350)
                                     4.      Hayam Wuruk (1350-1389)
                                     5.      Wikramawardhana (1389-1429)
                                     6.      Suhita
                                     7.      Kertawijaya
                                     8.      Rajasa Wardhana
                                     9.      Purwawisesa
                                     10.  Brawijaya V
 Mojopahit’s building has vanish, no one can find where has building to be, researcher just found temple, archa, and statue. In Trowulan area there are many place relicts can found by finder. I took picture of place entrenchment, brick foundation of building. And still many heritage from Mojopahit’s Empire. That’s all my writing, please forgive me if my wrote has many mistake, I hopes in the future I will make it be better. Thanks for read, I hope you enjoyed.                                     

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