Saturday, December 31, 2016


 Tadi malam tepat pukul 20.00 wib, aku bersama tetanggaku menjaga kampoeng. Karena tepat pukul 00.00 tahun akan berganti. Sambil ngobrol kita keliling kampong dengan canda dan tawa, untuk menunggu pergantian tahun, ngopi, ngeteh, tahu solet serta makanan ringan lain menemani malam menuju harapan. Obrolan dengan obrolan berganti topic, sampai politik hingga membicarakan apa kita siap menghadapi tantangan di tahun berikut? Ini topic menarik buat ku, karena topic-topic lain tidak membuatku menggali kebenaran nya. Tapi topic yang satu ini sangat membuat aku penasaran dan ingin mencari tahu. Kami melanjutkan obrolan kita mengenai topic tadi, pukul 23.30 sudah kita tidak terasa termakan waktu, tinggal 30 menit lagi kita akan beranjak ke penghujung tahun, aku sudah ambil intisari dari obrolan kami. Di tahun kemarin memang begitu banyak suka duka yang menghampiri aku. Dari dalam maupun dari luar. Memojokan dan menyudutkanku, seolah-olah akulah yang paling bersalah, aku berusaha menyakinkan mereka dengan harapan mereka mengerti, tapi hasilnya tetep sama, mereka bersikukuh aku harus pergi dari pandangan mereka. Aku hanya bisa berharap keajaiban menyalamiku, merangkulku dengan harapan yang bisa mengeluarkanku dari keadaan yang menguras tenagaku dan otakku. Waktu sudah menuju ke 00.00, aku bergegas mengenadahkan wajahku ke langit, kubiarkan mataku memandangi harapan yang mungkin bisa di raih. Sembilan, delapan, tujuh, enam, lima, empat, tiga, dua, satu, welcome to the future in 2017. Siap ngak siap aku harus tetap menginjakkan kakiku di tahun serba baru ini. Aku berusaha menyemangati tubuhku, otakku, hatiku, panca indra yang lain, supaya mau bersatu untuk meraih harapan di tahun yang penuh harapan. Aku selalu mengajak otaku dan panca indra yang lain berdiskusi untuk membicarakan,” rencana apa yang akan kita buat untuk tahun harapan?, perselisihan pasti ada, gesekan juga ada, perbedaan tidak bisa terhindarkan, ini bumbu kehidupan yang bisa membuat kita semakin tegar menghadapi segala pergolakan dunia. Kesalahan-kesalahan yang sudak aku buat sampai membuat aku tak ingin bangkit lagi, tapi Sang pencipta menyemangatiku dan memberi aku waktu untuk bangkit dan lebih baik. 2017 adalah harapanku, lebih baik, lebih kuat, lebih fun dan lebih hati-hati. 2017 ku jejakkan kakiku untuk melangkah. Aku mempunyai 365 kesempatan, 12 harapan dan 20 kesuksesan, 17 impian. Tangan ini sudah tak sabar meraihmu, mata ini tak kuasa menatap mu, telinga ini ingin mendengar tawamu, hidung ini ingin mencium aroma mu, tubuh ini ingin mendekap mu, kaki ini ingin selalu mendapingimu ke manapun kau pergi. 2017 jangan kau pergi jauh-jauh, aku ingin 2017 sebagai temenku, sahabatku, keluargaku, aku ingin 2017 bersama-sama,aku ingin bersama 2017 365 kesempatan lagi. Aku gantungkan harapanku pada 2017, aku ingin 2017 membantuku meraih cita-citaku. Terimaksih, semoga engkau sabar menemaniku sampai 12 bulan ke depan. Harapan di tahun 2017.  

Friday, December 30, 2016


Kamis Pagi pukul 9.30 bulan Desember 2016, aku masuk ruangan sebelah dan mengambil duduk dekat orang yang baru aku lihat, aku duduk tanpa berkata apa-apa, sesekali aku melihat temenku mengobrol dengan temen di dekatnya, aku sibuk mengecek Cell phone ku mungkin ada kabar, tak lama kemuadian seorang temen mengahampiriku dan berkata,” Pak boleh pinjem laptopnya? Aku mengiyakan dia. Lalu aku ambil laptoku dan  kasih ke orang yang baru aku kenal. Orang itu berkata,” terimakasih pak.” Aku jawab dengan suara sopan,” sama-sama.” Dengan kebingunganku aku kembali ke tempat dudukku semula. Tak lama dosen yang selalu memberiku semangat datang ke ruangan kita kumpul. Dia senyum dan aku balas dengan senyum yang sopan. Dan dosenku mendekati orang asing itu, entah apa yang mereka bicarakan, tak lama kemudian dosenku pergi sambil meberiku semangat, “ teruskan pak.” Dosenku bilang sama aku. Dan akhirnya orang itu membuka acara yang aku belum tau, apa acara ini? Sambil kusimak cara dia menyampaikan acara yang di mulai. Orang asing ini langsung memberi pilihan game atau pembahasan cara penulisan? Temen-temen pada pilih  game, well…. Orang asing td menyuruh  temen-temen dan saya untuk menutup mata, aku semakin tak mengerti apa maksudnya? Dengan perasaan masih bergejolak di pikiranku, aku turuti perintahnya. Aku mulai menutup mataku sampai ada intruksi dari orang asing itu. Mulaila orang asing membagikan sesuatu kepada temen-temen dan aku, dengan keadaan mata masih tertutup, orang asing itu menyuruh mengirah-ngira benda yang ada di tanganku, aku merasa benda itu lembek dan datar,tp di sisi lain ada benjolan, semakin membuat aku penasaran, lalu orang asing itu menyuruh mendekatkan benda itu ketelingaku, semakin tak ku mengerti apa maksudnya, tp dengan berat hati aku lakukan perintahnya, setelah aku dekatkan benda itu ke telingaku, sama sekali tak ada suara dari benda yang aku pegang, dengan rasa tak puas aku dekatkan lagi benda itu lebih dekat ke telingaku, hasilnya sama, tak ada suara apapun, hanya rontokan kecil yang berasal dari benda itu. Lalu orang asing itu memberi kode supaya mendekatkan benda itu ke hidungku, masih mata dalam keadaan tertutup, pikiranku semakin penasaran, apa yang orang asing ini mau? Dalam hatiku berkata,” ini yang terakhir.”  Setelah kudekatkan benda itu ke hidungku, aku kaget, bau dari benda itu tidak asing bagiku, punya aroma yang begitu menggoda, coffee, chocolate, ada asinya, eeeemmmmm yummy. Dan orang asing itu menyuruh memakan benda yang aku pegang dari tadi. Tanpa menghiraukan sekelilingku, aku santap benda yang ada di tangan kananku dengan lahap, hasilnya waooohh… yummy,setelah habis aku makan, orang asing itu menyuruh membuka mataku dan temen-temen, orang asing hanya tersenyum setelah kami buka mata kami. Orang asing bertanya,” gimana enak? Jawaban kita,” lezat, kurang kak, kata temen-temen…,” dengan masih tersenyum, orang asing berkata ,” iya ,” simple banget. Selanjutnya orang asing menyuruh kita untuk menulis di sebuah kertas, apa yang sudah kita makan tadi, dari pertama, cara kita memegang, mendekatkan ke telinga, dan mendekatkan ke hidung kita, dengan bahasa kita sendiri, kata orang asing ini. Aku lakukan perintahnya, aku tulis sebisaku  apa yang kualami barusan, alhasil, orang asing ini bertanya ,” siapa yang mau membaca hasil karya nya? Langsung saja aku mengankat tanganku, alhasil orang asing menyuruhku, di samping temen-temen juga mengankat tangan mereka, aku terlebih dulu yang diberi kesempatan membaca, dengan senang hati dan sedikit gemetar, aku baca karyaku, dan temen-temen memberi tepuk tangan. Di situ aku mulai mengerti apa itu menulis dengan panca indra selain melihat, lalu di uraikan ke dalam tulisan. Terimakasih Mr. Lulu dan Mr. Nurdin. Semoga ilmu yang kalian beri bermanfaat bagi kami. Semoga kita bisa mengikuti  jejak kalian, amin.

Thursday, December 29, 2016


Tak sadar kakiku melangkah meninggalkan Terangmu, tanganku membersihkan ranting-ranting yang berserakan mengganggu langkahku, mataku mengawasi sekitar jalan setapak yang aku pijak, pikiranku mengajakku terus melangkah meninggalkan Terangmu, jangan pernah menoleh belakang,” pikiranku berkata,” terus langkahkan kakimu, hentakkan yang kuat,” pikiranku terus menyemangatiku. Tubuhku terasa lelah, tak kuat lagi rasanya aku melangkah, ingin rasanya berhenti dari semua ini, tapi…..aku tak punya kekuatan melawan pikiranku. Aku terus melangkah walau tak tau kemana arah tujuanku, dalam langkahku aku mendengar bisikan di telingaku, pelan tapi pasti dan bermakna. Suara itu berkata,” hentikan langkamu kalau kau mau Terangmu kembali,” suara itu terus mengaung- ngaung di telingaku aku merasa ada peperangan yang dahsiat antara pikiranku dengan suara yang membisikan di telingaku. Mereka berperang tanpa menghiraukan tubuhku yang semakin tak berdaya, hentakan kakiku terus membawaku ke tempat di mana aku seperti asing tetapi meyenangkan, banyak suara-suara yang mengajakku ,” kemari, kemari, kemari, mengandeng tangan yang sudah lusuh ini. Aku hanya bisa mengiyakan mereka mengandeng tangan sebelah kiriku, aku di bawa ke tempat yang asing tapi menghibur. Di sisi lain pikiranku dengan suara tadi masih berperang, suara tadi berteriak keras di daun telingaku,” pergi jauh dari tempat ini, pergi…… pergi…., kalau kau mau terangmu kembali. Seakan aku menghentikan langkahku dan melepas tangan kiriku dari gandengan tangan mereka, lalu mereka berkata,” kenapa kau lepaskan tanganmu?, aku hanya membisu, ku kunci mulut ini biar mereka tidak mengetahui apa yang terjadi. Aku berusaha membalikan tubuhku ke arah semula aku dating, di sana mataku menatap cahaya kecil masuk persis di pintu di mana aku pertama menglangkah. Walaupun terasa berat langkahku berbalik, tetapi kupaksa mereka menuruti perintahku,” jangan kau melawan perintahku, kalau kau tidak mau celaka,” ku berseruh ke tubuhku yang semakin rapuh. Akhirnya kusampai kearah di mana cayaha itu berada. Cahaya itu membawaku ke tempat yang tidak asing bagiku, semakin lama semakin ku kenali mereka. Mereka tersenyum dan bahagia, di depanku sosok terang benderang menyambutku dengan dekapan yang hangat, seolah-olah tidak mau melepas tubuhku. Terang berbisik di telingaku,” jangan pernah kembali ke tempat itu lagi,”. Akhirnya tubuhku dan pikiranku mau hidup bahagia dengan terang benderang. Hidupku sekarang jelas tujuan dan pasti. Terimakasih Terang kau telah menyelamatkanku dari kegelapan.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Dalam langkah terasa berat meraih Matahari, ingin ku genggam Bulan tanpa daya, Bintang hanya melambaikan tangan nya seakan enggan menghampiri ku. Tanpa sadar ku merasa hangat di seluruh jiwaku, sejuk, damai, dan tenteram. Tak ingin rasanya ku jauh dari rasa yang belum pernah ku rasakan. Kekuatannya membuat aku jadi perkasa, keteguhan nya menjadikan ku tangguh, Belaian nya membikin ku menjadi percaya diri, aku masih merasakan air susumu yang bisa menjadikan tubuhku kuat dan perkasa. Apakah kau seorang perempuan yang di kasih oleh Alloh untuk menjagaku? apakah namamu Ibu? yang anak- anak sering untuk memanggil seorang perempuan, Apakah kau Ibu?kalau benar kau ibu, ku akan tunduk, cinta, dan menjaga mu. Ibu jangan pergi jauh dari jiwa ini. kau tidak bisa di gantikan apapun. kau selalu number one. Ibu jangan pergi, aku mohon...! hidup ini tanpa tujuan bila tiada ucapanmu, jalan terasa gelap tanpa bimbingan mu, tanpa daya dan tenaga bila ridho mu sirna, Ibu kau lah lentera kehidupan ku, tangan-tanganmu yang membuat diriku siap menjawab tantangan. Dekapan mu yang senantiasa mengajak ku ke jalan menuju sempurnah. Ibu dunia sudah menantiku, ibu aku siap menjaga mu, aku siap menjadi perisai, aku siap menjadi pedangmu. ibu jangan pernah kau mengeluarkan air mata, ibu berikan senyuman, agar hati ini damai.

Sunday, December 25, 2016


                                                   MY FAMILY HOLIDAYS 
   Saturday, 24, 12, 2016, My family and I went to Surabaya for buy something. This is holiday season for my child, because my child after got school exams, they asked me to go to Surabaya. and buy some cloth. The first destination is PGS( Pusat Grosir Surabaya ) because my wife want to bought cloths for sale. I brought my family, my wife, my big daughter, my son, and my little angel. We spent 3 hours in PGS for bought my wife order.
Then we did dhuhur prayer and ashar, after that we went to  Mall City Of Tomorrow in Waru Surabaya. my child very happy because they can play on play Game area. My wife and little angel and I just watch my daughter and my son played shot game, Basket Ball, and Trampoline. They finished at 15.00 and we went to clothing area, before we bought something, we were taking a photo and action just like model, we bought cloth for my son, after we finished on the cloths area we went to Pizza. And we took a photo together, we are happy and spent time with smile and laugh. We returned back home at 17.00, on the street was traffic jam, because on Sunday is Big day for Nasrani people ( Christmas). Everybody went home to see all family. We got home at 20.00. my wife and I pray to Alloh,  because Alloh has given happinees and I can make family happy, this something made me be grateful what has given by Alloh. Thank you again. I hope I can share my experience next time. Happy Holiday..!I hope that the holiday could later go on vacation again a better place. Suramadu bridge, Ciputra Waterpark, House of Sampoerna, Surabaya city beach tourism and others. see you on others day, with different story and different place. and have good one everyone.
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Friday, December 23, 2016


                               “ OM TELOLET OM”
 Thursday, 22 , December , 2016. When I read Jawa Pos news paper, I saw something made me laugh, they were a few famous people talked about “ Om telolet Om “. This is happen because some of youth Indonesia the uploaded to youtube. After that Twitter universe middle of presenting the phenomenon of "Telolet Om Om". It has now been discussed in the world. Netizen Indonesia to the world even takes part in discussing this phenomenon in social media Twitter and Instagram. Even celebrities and world DJs like DJ Snake, Zedd, The Chainsmokers, Dillon Francis, Martin Garrix and discusses succession Marshmello Telolet Om telolet Om in their Twitter timeline. Right now everybody in this world understand where is Indonesia, indirectly because of “ Om telolet Om “ Indonesia become famous in the eyes of the world. This is from Indonesia creative child. The phenomenon is happening today with regard to the way or style game generation.                            

 Today, when I went to Jombang, I saw many child stand on street carrying banners reading “ Om telolet Om “ for show to the Bus to want to honk the horn. After the Bus honk the horn, they are so happy, while child jumped and laugh, some of them took picture or video for upload to You tube. " Om telolet Om" Precisely so the World Champion in the Trending Topic. And more made me shocked, the famous people around the world talk about it. For example Initially, DJ Snake and Zedd are talking in their Twitter, then followed his fellow DJs like Hardwell and Martin Garrix. And some the best football player in the world, CR7 said “ Hello Indonesia “ and Om telolet om 

 I can just say “ Thank you, to young Indonesia peoples, because of you Indonesia become famous in the world, we proud of you, we wait the next what will you make for Indonesia beautiful and all the world is not be underestimated. We need people like you, be useful and smart, diligent, honest, can be trusted. Thanks ! 

Monday, December 19, 2016


                                                                                                                                                   Let me take you to deffirent  habit , culture , language , foods, etc. for the first, I would like to intruduce about Habit, between Jombang and Wellington no much different , Jombang  is famoust City because of Pesantren, and Wellington is famoust because of Kiwi and Milk. Jombang’s citizens quite a bit or same with Wellington’s citizents. Jombang  in 2014 1.236 million, Wellington in 2013 4.471 million. Second , talking about Culture, Jombang ‘s culture inclining to built the moral by means of Pesantren, so Jombang will teach young generation start from kinde garden , Elementary school,Junior school,  High school, and University to have good moral and attitude. A person doesn’t need good lesson, but they need good attitude. It is not only smart, diligent or clever. Wellington is famoust about Education. There many people around the world came to New Zealand for study, the government support to New Zealand’s citizen get good education. New Zealand gave good apportunity for people who want to  study in New Zealand. Thirt , let’s talk about language, of course Jombang and Wellington diffirent language. Jombang ‘s language is Jawa and Indonesia, but Wellington’s language is English. But remember , all the schools , learn and study English in Jombang. Because English is important language in the world. Jombang  has many English Course. Regent governor always gave motivation to all young generation to be success people with study hard. And also all the school gave non formal skill, like sport , study more then one language. Young generation must have skill. It is not just trouble maker.  HAMBURGERS, HOT DOG, PIZZA                                                            
  • Tree of those is example Europe’s foods. Take it look picture, they are many Hamburgers, wellington peoples are simple, so they need fast food, how they are very busy  to cook, they always busy work. They don’t have time for cook at home. In Jombang is different with Wellington. Jombang love cooked at home, they can make own food or buy. Jombang smalls  regent and small place, Jombang’s citizen love cooking than buying. Jombang is famous regent in Indonesia. Most of them like traditional food, like pecel, gado- gado, Bakso, Mieayam, nasi goring, etc                                   .                                                                               
  •  There is some picture of Jombang’ s foods, Jombang’s citizen everyday love eat some of them menu, maybe pecel, usually for breakfast, for lunch time, they bought Bakso or Mie Ayam. And for dinner, they took Nasi Goreng. If Jombang’s citizen eat some of menu, like pizza, hamburger, or hot dog, they will reject, because they thinks different . and it taste strange. It is happen if Wellington’s citizen eat Jombang food.
  •  So please friend  love local foods and always cook. Thank you 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


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                                      WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND

      Wellington is the capital city of NEW ZEALAND, sits near the North Island’s southernmost point on the Cook Strait. A compact City, Small ,Respectable, humble, beautiful, it encompasses a waterfront promenade ,sandy beaches, a working harbor and colorful timber house a surrounding hills. From Lambton Quay, the iconic red Wellington Cable Car heads to the Botanic Gardens, strong winds through the Cook Strait give the nick name “ WINDY WELLINGTON”.  I have sweet finance when I was stay in Wellington, I can’t forget what I had done, Wellington Give many aspiration, knowledge, experience. I learn from them how to respect the peoples, and how to make good society with the others. Wellington is my second home, when I was live in there, I just feel like my home town, because all the peoples had I met very Good. They treat me like their family, so I learn from them. Wellington is not just give me dollars, but Wellington gave more than I know. it is not just learn how to speak English, but I learn how to respect the peoples, Wellington is Small City but big for me, because why…..? there are many different part of Country in the World. It’s make me more interesting, because they had many different culture and language. So guys these is just a little experience from, whatever, it had my written wrong please forgive me, I’ll see you again with another story, thank you…!

Monday, November 14, 2016


Everyboday have felt fail in their life,we can not avoid failure but we can face failure with our hopes. In this world nobody perfect. Don’t give up when you fall down, don’t ever give up when you failed, don’t give up when your bisnis insolvent, don’t give up if someone reject your love. Friends… this life we need struggle to reach our dream. And sometimes we don’t want experience failure in our life, we just want have good life and never failure. Dear……friends…….if we never failed in our life, just like your life empty, blank,or nothing. But if you ever failed in your life, it means your life is sweet. With failed we will stand strong and ready face the future without complain. So please….all my friend around the world, don’t ever feel hopeless if you want live in this world longer. You have future, you have hopes…., and you have dream. You can take all that if you be patient and continue to learn from failed. If you ever failed that means you will be success people. Failed and success.
Success is who patient with their dream and work hard to reach it. Success is not only doing nothing,but success needs struggle and continue and never give up.


 Dear reader……today I’m ganna tell you about  “FEELING”. What’s feeling?
Feeling is you feel something and will make you are diffirent  way, some time you feel happy, unhappy, sad, confused, guilty, angry, confident, etc. But they will make you became strong person in the world. Without conscious someone has disturb our life, for example : bad mannered people, annoy, people speak too  quckly, nasty comment, waiting for long time, people asks money without work(beggar)etc. All these kind just example little happen around you, you can face these problem with smile, always smile. If you want be strong people,don’t afraid to face these problem. Feeling can’t far from us, because feeling is merges in our life.  But without feeling this life is nothing, I take example from myself, sometimes I feel calm, I feel calm when I talk to my friend, but sometimes I feel sad who people make noise when I still speak. And I’m really unhappy with someone who made nasty comment. And I’m feeling sad when I have had appointment with someone but they  didn’t realize if they have had promise. So please friend….don’t you be afraid of kind situation, just take it easy. Thank you for your kind.

Monday, November 7, 2016


Sebagai ciptaan TUHAN yang sempurna,kita jarang mengetahui dari mana kita berasal dan di ciptakan oleh siapa,tetapi kita selalu mintak lebih yang di mana seseorang tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaanmu.Dan kita selalu berkata di dalam hati "ini tidak adil",kenapa engkau tidak bisa                                                   menjawab pertanyaanku,kenapa.....kenapa....?kita merasa tidak puas dengan apa yang kita rasakan dan nikmati.Kita mintak serba instant,semua serba instant.....!Ada pertanyaan menyelip "apakah kita di ciptakan secara instant?Kita disini hanya menginjak tanah ciptaannya,kita sebentar tinggal di tanah yang indah dan damai ini,kita disini hanya meminjam bukan memiliki,kita harus menjaga dan merawat tanah miliknya,ini semua akan kita kembalikan,kita sudah di beri batas waktu,kita akan kembali dengan beda waktu,terserah yang mempunya tanah,kapan mau kita kembalikan miliknya.Karena kita diberi kebebasan tidak perlu membayar,kita bisa membayar dengan menjaga dan merawatnya.Guysssss......kita tidak perlu memasang tarip bila kita di mintak,kita tidak perlu tertunduk bila kita tidak mampu.Pemilik tanah hanya memintak kesabaran kita dalam merawat dan menjaga tanah ini.Ingat guys.......kita menginjak tanah hanya sebentar,kita hanya menunggu panggilan dari sang pemilik tanah,kapan kita di mintak untuk mengembalikan...?Kita di beri wewenang untuk menjaganya bukan untuk memilikinya.Tanah ini begitu indah dan nikmat untuk di pijak,apakah kalian mampu untuk membawa kepercaannya bila sang pemilik tanah menanyakan perjanjian yang sudah di buat.Kadang kita di buat lupa dengan ketidak pastian yang sering di buat kita sendiri,kadang kita merasa kesal dengan tuan tanah karena kurang adil dalam perjanjian.Tetapi kita juga lupa tuan tanah memberi tanah ini untuk kita pinjam tanpa memintak balas,tetapi tuan tanah memintak kejujuran kita selama kita menginjak tanah ini.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


We  never  know  when  love  came  and  leave,but  we can understand when love gave  signal.
Some time  we  can not realize,because  love  gave us energy to became stronger wolk on in our live.
We can not  find  what is meaning love,we  can find from ourselves,we can feel it,we can taste it.

Do not ever blame love when love gave you test in your live,when you feel happy,laugh,enjoy,and even love gave you feel sad,mad,jealous,angry.but you will be forceful to face the world.Now let’s we share love to anyone with peace.don’t ever hurt love,because love never make hurt to anyone,love just gave peace,tranquility and composure.Now let’s live with peace,show love to the world,live freedom.Love………NEVER  DIE…!

Monday, October 31, 2016


Bali ……if we want talk about Bali never the end,Bali is good place for holiday,prawedding,relax.Because Bali has many place you can choice,among is Sanur,Kuta Beach,Ulu Watu,Tanah Lot,Monkey forest,Legian,etc.Ok….dear ….reader,here I would like to sharing My experience travel to Bali with my students.The firso …we went to Bali by 2 Bus,this is happen every year,because we have agenda for study tour.Why we choice Bali for examination English?Because Bali has many native speaker from another country,so this can made easy for students to have conversation with them.I’m as tutors happy accompany my students,not just holiday,but I can find new experience,knowledge,friend,more important thing is I can speak with native speaker from the others country,made me more confidence if I talk with foreigner.Every students must get native speaker from out of country,because this is for their examination,if they are past their exam,so they can get certificate for support their the last exam (UN).

 My student so happy when we go to Bali.Students ……can learn how to prove their English and also they can study how to organization with others, and students also can study about be grateful to Alloh with study tour.We can see,how Bali became famous island on the world than Every students must get native speaker from out of country,because this is for their examination,if they are past their exam,so they can get certificate for support their the last exam.

So this moment will made my life feel happy,because I can prove my english and help my students practis their english.I know is not easy to handle many students on big area,but these is my challenge for how to handle my students nice and be gantle.thank you very much for your times for read my written,if it has something wrong with my written,please correct it,My pleasesure if reader has correct it.


Bali ……if we want talk about Bali never the end,Bali is good place for holiday,prawedding,relax.Because Bali has many place you can choice,among is Sanur,Kuta Beach,Ulu Watu,Tanah Lot,Monkey forest,Legian,etc.Ok….dear ….reader,here I would like to sharing My experience travel to Bali with my students.The firso …we went to Bali by 2 Bus,this is happen every year,because we have agenda for study tour.Why we choice Bali for examination English?Because Bali has many native speaker from another country,so this can made easy for students to have conversation with them.I’m as tutors happy accompany my students,not just holiday,but I can find new experience,knowledge,friend,more important thing is I can speak with native speaker from the others country,made me more confidence if I talk with foreigner.Every students must get native speaker from out of country,because this is for their examination,if they are past their exam,so they can get certificate for support their the last exam (UN).

 My student so happy when we go to Bali.Students ……can learn how to prove their English and also they can study how to organization with others, and students also can study about be grateful to Alloh with study tour.We can see,how Bali became famous island on the world than Every students must get native speaker from out of country,because this is for their examination,if they are past their exam,so they can get certificate for support their the last exam.

So this moment will made my life feel happy,because I can prove my english and help my students practis their english.I know is not easy to handle many students on big area,but these is my challenge for how to handle my students nice and be gantle.thank you very much for your times for read my written,if it has something wrong with my written,please correct it,My pleasesure if reader has correct it.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Indonesia’s education system is one of the worst in the world according to a recent report.


        Indonesia has the fourth largest education system in the world yet in a landmark education report of 50 nations Indonesia ranked last.  For a country that has been experiencing a stable 5 to 6 percent annual economic growth rate and is classed as a middle income country by the World Bank, it is sad that it’s education system and thus it’s youth are not benefitting. So why did it rank so poorly? The answer, as is often the case with developing countries still finding their feet as a democracy, appears to be corruption.  Even more tragic.  The funding is there but it ends up in the pockets of corrupt civil servants and not in classrooms. East 101’s recent investigation highlighted some shocking facts about the Indonesian education system including:

  • Only a third of Indonesian students – in a country where 57 million attend school – complete basic schooling.
  • Education experts say less than half of the country’s teachers possess even the minimum qualifications to teach properly and teacher absenteeism hovers at around 20 percent. Many 
  • teachers in the public school system work outside of the classroom to improve their incomes.

       Indonesian Corruption Watch claims there are very few schools in the country that are clean of graft, bribery or embezzlement – with 40 percent of their budget siphoned off before it reaches the classroom, One of the Indonesian government’s responses to these findings has been to restructure the Indonesian curriculum, including postponing teaching science, geography and ENGLISH until students attend secondary school.  For a nation economically prospering, geographically located in a region that looks set to be at the forefront of world economics and politics it seems a bemusing choice to make. All you need to know about the schooling system in Indonesia...

Education in Indonesia is compulsory under Government Regulations for children aged seven to fifteen. State (public) education is free at elementary school level. Education is also available in fee-paying private schools, which include religion-based schools, international schools and national-plus schools. THE EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDONESIAThe national education system in Indonesia is divided into:
Formal education (public and private schools):
  • Primary Education
    • SD or elementary school (age 6 - 12)
  • Secondary Education
    • SMP or junior high school (age group: 13 - 15)
    • SMA or senior high school (age group: 16 - 18)
  • Higher education
    • university
    • institute
 I think enough my write,I hope you can enjoying,please forgive me if in my wrote has something wrong,hopes in the future my written more accept by reader,
Have nice day…..!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016



      Dear  reader……where about…..! I’m  here like to share my  experience,my  adventure all about  Dollars. Firstly, I will bring  you to the biggest  country  in the world, it is called my mine,I never think to Go to America,because  I have  ashma,I can’t  live in cold weather,and  I can’t  spoke English well. When  I was  senior high school, I hate English. I was graduate in 1995 and I went  to America in 1996. Before  that, I will tell you my adventure  went to Bali just for learn speaking English. this is recommend By my parents,I asked to parents” why I must  go to Bali just for  study  English?” my parents answer” because Bali the only one place you can learn faster,you  don’t  need  take English  course,derecly you can  speak with foreigner,that’s my parents want’s.anyway…. I went to Bali for 3 months,I study and work there,I rent room with my friend  and we share it,three months  are going to very fast, than I return back to my sweet home.I stayed in home for while with waiting to make document.that time I was 19 years old,In my life,I never had experience make all those staff,like make passport,curriculum Viate, Police report, village report and ticket and then going to Jakarta for make America Visa at Kuningan Street,that was very hard to got America Visa, no one can get  Visa easily,but for alhamdullilah I can pass That,I got America Visa for five years,I’m so happy after gotten Visa, because all people  said; only America Visa very difficult,so ready to go………! I got passport,ticket and Visa,and in August, 17, 1996 I fly to America with my friends,my flyed by jordania airplane,it was taken 22 hours,we have transit or stop at three deference places,it departure from Sukarno-Hatta airport –Singapore-ansterdam and Yamman,in Yamman I stayed 6 hours and airplane crew gave us opportunity to sleep in Hotel,because they need to fill airplane by aviation fuel so we have to wait another passanger. five hours already, we return to the airport for countinuos our trips at the night, I arrived in Jonh F Kennedy Airport,if I’m not wrong,that was 09.00 clock morning.I just can’t believe it,I always ask myself”do I still dream,or do I still sleep? this is Miraculous and present from Alloh,I can just say”Thank you Ya Alloh for everything”,I bow to the floor and prayes,thank you again ya Alloh,you Gave opportunity stayed and worked in America.,my friend brought me to his house in New Jersey,it’s take one hour from New York.the weather was winter time,it was minus 10 degress,ooooohh my god,I never feel weather like this in my country,so freeze like live in freezer.I stayed in my house for while,one week pass so quickly,my friend and I went to found job,China Town is very famous,there are many agent for job,if single easy,but two peoples or more very difficult.

      Because why I need two people?all about Jum’at prayer,I can’t prayer jum’at by myself.Chinatown is very big,the biggest number two after Chinatown in California.I can found Asia food,telpone card,send the money and travelling,everything are cheap.two weeks have pass,the others friend call me for work,he live in Boston,Massachusset.I was working at  Japanes and Korean Restaurant,this is my first time job and first worked with deferent people from another country.these my new experience,I must take opportunity from them,b’cause they have more experience.for first,I’m working at the kitchen,washed sidedish,preparations for Cheaf to cooked and when Restaurant had closed,I and my friend cleaned inside the restaurant,like swept the floor,cleaned toilet,kitchen and dinning room,we were finished at 05.30am,we were started at 18.00,almost 12 hours work,6 days/weeks.dependent what situation,if weekend,Friday night and Saturday night,that is very…very…very busy….!
What have I take from worked with anothers deferent people? I learn everything, knowledge, language, Culture,habit,new friend,respect,etc.although deference country and deferent people,we are still work with team,together,helps each other,from there I know what mush I do.deferent is not always make Diversification,from deferent we can make same,meaning…. Have same purpose is have good life.I’m happy with them,they gave me knowledge and taught me how to respect the people.

Please c.orrect wheather there are some grammatically error.



Various colors and the meaning of colour type have become part of everyday human life that can be seen in a variety of furniture, clothing, housing, food, environment, and even the human body itself has a color. Color is the element most prominent art, which is very important and has been recognized as one form of beauty that can be perceived by the human eye. The presence of color makes the object can be seen, and by the color elements can express the feeling of the atmosphere or character of the object. Color also indicates the nature and character of different even vary very much. By its nature we can mention the color of the young, the old colors, light colors, dark colors, dimmed, brilliant colors. Color views of their kind among others; yellow, red, blue, green, orange, etc. Color seen in the nature or character among other hot colors, cool colors, soft colors, and the color contrast.
Color is a pigment which has distinctive features when illuminated will reflect the nature and represent him, a red to red color.

Color is a treaty agreement or symbols, such as below.
RED: bold, spirit, passion, love.
ORANGE: dry, arid, happiness, excitement, ripe.
Yellow gold, glory, grandeur, luxury, ordinary, jealousy, envy, resentment, doubt, wither, fall.
Green: young, growth, hope, cool, prosperous, victory.
Blue: loyalty, truth, sincerity and deep mystery.
Purple: opulence grrandeu, grief.
White: sacred, empty, clean, born, innocent, surrendered.
Black: darkness, mystery, death, firmness, dignity, sincerity, eternal.       

Now I’ll introduce my favorite colour,I love Blue colour,maybe you will ask me?why..?,ok I will explain to you,
        Blue the  colour had deferent meaning,like loyalty,truth,sincerity and deep I will explain again about Loyalty……?loyalty is feeling to all human being in this earth,not only peoples can to be animal,plants,circle,etc.and about truth…..?truth is tobe honest to anyone,specialy if we talked,promise
Never break the rules,and about SINCERITY…….?sincerity is doing something never ask back,with integrity,and with all heart and soul. And for the last DEEP MYSTERY……?the meaning of deep mystery,
They don’t like share any problem to anyone,and they tried to solve the problem with …That the reason why I love Blue colour,if you see Blue colour,that something miraculous and gave meaning chilly to anybody has seen it,make them fill calm down,silent,comfort and always want to see it.Blue colour…..make me more comfort and make me fill confindence,b’cause when I wear Blue colour that something special,I do know why….? I fill just difirent when I wear Blue for my cloth.and now I will have given you example of Blue colour in my writing,Dear reader………if anyone has same happiness with me,that mean you are lucky,Blue Colour symbolize of grandeur,beauty,eternal.

Please correct wheather there are some grammatically error.